Don’t worry about the baby’s milk teeth.


baby milk teeth

Chennai : Doctors say that most babies start teething between 4 and 6 months, but for some it may be earlier or later.

Generally, the two lower front teeth erupt first, followed by the four upper front teeth, and then the rest of the mouth can be expected. But there may be variations in order, so no need to worry.


baby milk teeth (Image Generated By Meta AI)

Premature and low birth weight babies may have delayed teething. Some babies don’t get their first tooth until 18 months, and that’s normal. But a child without teeth before 18 months should see a dentist to make sure they have teeth in their mouth.

Don’t do this at all

It is an ancient belief to scratch milk teeth with paddy. It is a rural custom. There is no scientific evidence for this, so doctors recommend not doing it.

All children will have no symptoms when they are teething. But for those who are, the arrival of their baby teeth can cause a whole lot of misery.

baby milk teeth

baby milk teeth (Image Generated By Meta AI)

What are the first teething symptoms?


As the first teeth erupt, you may notice that the gums become swollen, red, and tender to the touch.


As those teeth grow, babies’ mouths produce more saliva. At those times they keep pouring cola a lot. It can sometimes cause a rash on the cheek or face.


Babies chew on their fingers, toys, or other objects to make way for baby teeth. This may reduce the pain a little.


Teething-related discomfort, especially when feeding or sleeping, can make babies more irritable.


That discomfort can cause children to wake up frequently during the night or have trouble falling asleep.

Loss of appetite:

Some children may eat less due to discomfort in their gums.

If the child is particularly uncomfortable, consult a doctor. Avoid using toothpaste gels that contain benzocaine or lidocaine, as they are not recommended for children.

Note: Always ask your child’s health care provider before giving pain medication.

The post Don’t miss out on the baby’s milk teeth. appeared first on oneindias.

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