Nallathanni wildlife officials said that a leopard of Maussakalai Lakkam Estate under Maskelia Police Division was caught in a wire in the garden area and the leopard was found dead after struggling for several hours without being able to escape.
The local people came to know that the said leopard was trapped and informed the garden officer about it today (01) morning. Officer Maskelia then notified the police.
After that information was given to Nallathanni wildlife officials through the police.
After this, the police and wildlife officials rushed to the spot. Gardeners also flocked.
The leopard was caught in the wire netting that was put up to protect the vegetable garden and produce from animals.
A leopard caught in wire has died after getting stuck in a vegetable garden and unable to escape.
Nallathanni wildlife officials said that the dead leopard will be produced in the Hutton Magistrate’s Court and later the body will be sent to Randenigala Wildlife Veterinary Hospital for post-mortem on the order of the Magistrate.
However, Maskelia Police and Nallathanni Wildlife Officers are taking steps to arrest the suspect who laid the wire net.